2024 Spring Break Art Camp for Grades 1 – 6
Monday & Tuesday, March 18th – 19th 2024
Spring Break – 2-day Art Camp
Grades 1st – 6th • 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Cost: $150 /child
All materials are included in the cost. Payment is due when you register.
Smith Studio and Gallery is offering 2 days of original art activities, fun and friendship.
Because our art camp span 2-days, we can offer more in-depth art projects that are started on the first day and completed on the second day.
Participants bring a lunch and enjoy 2-days of challenging, unusual and exciting art projects. We supply a morning and afternoon pre-packaged snack.
We have extended hours for those who need it, at no additional cost. We have extended hours at no additional cost. Children can be dropped off as early as 8:30 and picked up as late as 5:00.
Maximum, 8 children
Monday, March 18th – This first day of Spring Art Camp is all about painting a “FRESCO”. Smith Studio is one of the few places where our young artists can experience this unique process of painting an image directly on fresh plaster. Everyone will make their own plaster base in the morning, and then paint a watercolor image before the plaster completely sets up.
After lunch we will start constructing a special “Sports Sculpture” with an emphasis on action and movement. This unique sculpture will be expanded and finished on the second day of art camp.
Tuesday, March 19th – The second day of Art Camp, our young artists will be challenged to enhance their “Sports Sculpture”. We will encourage everyone to incorporate new ideas and details into their creative works of art.
Both days will include additional 2-D painting and drawing projects, a short movie about an important artist, educational art games and fostering friendships!
Sign up for a fun two days of original art activities and friendship!
Smith Studio and Gallery Spring Break 2-Day Art Camp
March 20 – 21 | M-TH (2 day camp) • Grades 1st – 6th • 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Cost: $150 /child Geneseo Part Dist. # 33024-31
All materials are included in the cost. Payment is due when you register.
All of these art classes, listed with the Geneseo Park District, are taught at Smith Studio and Gallery.
Smith Studio partners with the Geneseo Park District to bring you quality art classes for children. You can register for Children’s Saturday Art Classes in person at the Smith Studio or register in person or line at the Geneseo Park District Community Center. www.geneseoparkdistrict.org. Payment is due when you register.
Spring Break
2-Day • All Day
Art Camp Agenda
Monday and Tuesday
March 18 – 19, 2024
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Grades: 1st – 6th
Cost: $150 /child
Maximum 8 children
We have extended hours at no additional cost. Children can be dropped off as early as 8:30 and picked up as late as 5:00.
9:00 – 12:00
Morning Art Activity
Noon – 1:00 Lunch
Children bring their lunch and drink that we store in our refrigerator. We supply daily snacks. Please inform us of any food allergies or concerns.
1:00 – 3:30
Afternoon Art Activity
4:00 – 4:30 Free Time
During “Free Time” students have the opportunity to do additional work on existing art projects, try something new or play games together.
For more information or to register for Spring Break Art Camp stop in at Smith Studio and Gallery or go to the Geneseo Park District website